Проект „Учи през целия живот – осмели се за повече” /„Learn for life- Dare for more“/, по Програми „Еразъм+” на Европейския съюз, Ключова дейност 2: „Стратегически партньорства“, сектор „Училищно образование“, Проекти за „Партньорства за училищен обмен“, Договор № 2020-1-BG01-KA229-079217_1 , финансиран по Програми Еразъм+ на Европейския съюз от  Център за развитие на човешките ресурси – Национална агенция за РБългария на Европейската комисия

Learn for Life-Dare for More is a project focused on cooperation for exchange of good practices between schools. It is a continuation of the project “Choose your future” carried out 2014-2016. Its activities are designed to cover topics related to entrepreneurial education, ICT new technologies and basic competences in the field of Maths.

The most relevant horizontal priority addressed by the project is the Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences and the sectoral ones are chosen according to the participants' profiles and the planned activities - Developing VET business partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms and promoting the acquisition of skills and competences.

The objectives of the project are to enable students with practical experience in running and working for a company; to develop entrepreneurial and digital skills; to improve transversal and communication skills; to enhance participants’ English language skills and raise students' awareness about their personal qualities; to develop basic skills in Maths and combat the early school leaving and the last but not least to develop further the so-called 21st century skills (critical thinking, problem solving, research practices, creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative, leadership, teamwork, ICT literacy, entrepreneurship).

There are 5 schools participating in the project, Angel Karaliychev Secondary school from Bulgaria acts as the coordinator. The partner schools are Ogres Tehnikums (Latvia), Tamsalu Gymnasium (Estonia), Namık Kemal Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey) and Liceul Teoretic Mircea Eliade - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 2 Lupeni (Romania). 4 of the participating schools provide general secondary education and 1s belong to the category of vocational educational establishments. The main participants will be students aged 14-19 and teachers.

Each of the schools will be a host of a training and in addition they will involve their students on local level in additional activities. They will prepare video tutorials “How to..?”, conduct video interviews with local entrepreneurs, organize open days at school etc.

To guarantee the success of the project partner organizations plan to use a combination of theory and practice. Students will undergo some theoretical training on the topics Leadership and teamwork; How to create and run a student company; Creating and running an online shop; Organic farming and art and crafts; Practical workshop on creative crafts followed by practical assignments such as case study, problem solving, games, practical workshops. The methods to be used during the trainings are group discussions, experiential and hands on learning, collaboration, project based learning , "Students – students” learning. 

The work on the project will have a number of results the major of which will be an international student company and e-shop. In addition to that, there will be some video tutorials “How to..?” and video interviews with local entrepreneurs sharing their experiences.